The main focus of this module is Market Research

80% of sales come from the cover, hook, and messaging - Hormozi

Finding proper product-market fit will be accelerated with market research

Goal is to find Product-Market fit in Market Research

How to do Market Research

  1. Book 20-30 free 15-minute consultation/market research calls with the creator’s audience

    1. Get them on by offering some sort of free value
      1. Shoutout to on IG story by the creator
      2. Free early access for 3-6 months on the community
      3. Private 1-1 call with Creator (lottery chance)
    2. These call the “the best” way to get a good sample
  2. Have an AI transcriber on the Zoom call so we don’t miss a single note

  3. Take your own handwritten Notes

    1. Don’t rely on AI note-taking
    2. More invested in the call if you hand-take notes
    3. retain more of the call information
    4. makes you pay more attention